This week was full of summer activities. We attended two graduations for neighborhood kids. We are godparents to several children from different families. That equates to a lifetime of honors and responsibilities including first communions, quincenaras, weddings, new babies, graduations, sicknesses and funerals. The custom of padrinos and madrinas is very strong here. It is the way people share their milestones, people their parties and pay the cost of their celebrations. If there were threads of different colors that mapped the connections between people in this system it would be a tight and colorful weave. It is why connections here are both far-reaching and intimate.
Mexicans celebrate with gusto. Everything is over-the top compared to the US. We atteThis was a kindergarten graduation with exotic dancing, deafening music (louder is happier) handmade decorations on top of decorations, children in snow-white ironed uniforms with elaborate hair and their guests dressed in their best – women in high-styling heels and lots of cleavage, men in their best boots and cowboy hats.
Every family brings an abundance of food and beer to feed their padrinos and madrinas and family. And we bring brightly wrapped presents with giant bows – packages too pretty to open – it’s presentation more important than what is inside.
A joyous time was had by all – lots of good food, laughter and people-watching.
My neighbor asked me about graduation ceremonies in Japan. I described something more solemn and she was disappointed. She said Mexicans never do anything without music and dancing – I think it’s true.